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Security tuning

BunkerWeb offers many security features that you can configure with settings. Even if the default values of settings ensure a minimal "security by default", we strongly recommend you tune them. By doing so you will be able to ensure the security level of your choice but also manage false positives.

Other settings

This section only focuses on security tuning, see the settings section of the documentation for other settings.


Overview and order of the core security plugins

HTTP protocol

Deny status code

STREAM support ⚠

The first thing to define is the kind of action to do when a client access is denied. You can control the action with the DENY_HTTP_STATUS setting which allows the following values :

  • 403 : send a "classical" Forbidden HTTP status code (a web page or custom content will be displayed)
  • 444 : close the connection (no web page or custom content will be displayed)

The default value is 403 and we suggest you set it to 444 only if you already fixed a lot of false positive, you are familiar with BunkerWeb and want a higher level of security.

When using stream mode, value is ignored and always set to 444 with effect of closing the connection.

Default server

STREAM support ❌

In the HTTP protocol, the Host header is used to determine which server the client wants to send the request to. That header is facultative and may be missing from the request or can be set as an unknown value. This is a common case, a lot of bots are scanning the Internet and are trying to exploit services or simply doing some fingerprinting.

You can disable any request containing undefined or unknown Host value by setting DISABLE_DEFAULT_SERVER to yes (default : no). Please note that clients won't even receive a response, the TCP connection will be closed (using the special 444 status code of NGINX).

If you want to close SSL/TLS connection if Server Name Indication (SNI) is undefined or unknown, you can set DISABLE_DEFAULT_SERVER_STRICT_SNI to yes (default : no). On the one hand, you can block attackers as soon as possible at SSL/TLS level but, in the other hand, you may have issues if your BunkerWeb instance is behind a reverse proxy configured to send HTTPS requests without SNI.

Allowed methods

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You can control the allowed HTTP methods by listing them (separated with "|") in the ALLOWED_METHODS setting (default : GET|POST|HEAD). Clients sending a method which is not listed will get a "405 - Method Not Allowed".


If POST is required, then OPTIONS should also be specified to allow for the CORS pre-flight request.

Max sizes

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You can control the maximum body size with the MAX_CLIENT_SIZE setting (default : 10m). See here for accepted values. You can use the special value 0 to allow a body of infinite size (not recommended).

Serve files

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To disable serving files from the www folder, you can set SERVE_FILES to no (default : yes). The value no is recommended if you use BunkerWeb as a reverse proxy.


STREAM support ❌

Headers are very important when it comes to HTTP security. While some of them might be too verbose, others' verbosity will need to be increased, especially on the client-side.

Remove headers

STREAM support ❌

You can automatically remove verbose headers in the HTTP responses by using the REMOVE_HEADERS setting (default : Server X-Powered-By X-AspNet-Version X-AspNetMvc-Version).

Keep upstream headers

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You can automatically keep headers from upstream servers and prevent BunkerWeb from overriding them in the HTTP responses by using the KEEP_UPSTREAM_HEADERS setting (default : Content-Security-Policy Permissions-Policy Feature-Policy X-Frame-Options). A special value * is available to keep all headers. List of headers to keep must be separated with a space. Note that if the header is not present in the upstream response, it will be added by BunkerWeb.


STREAM support ❌

When it comes to cookies security, we can use the following flags :

  • HttpOnly : disable any access to the cookie from Javascript using document.cookie
  • SameSite : policy when requests come from third-party websites
  • Secure : only send cookies on HTTPS request

Cookie flags can be overridden with values of your choice by using the COOKIE_FLAGS setting (default : * HttpOnly SameSite=Lax). See here for accepted values.

The Secure flag can be automatically added if HTTPS is used by using the COOKIE_AUTO_SECURE_FLAG setting (default : yes). The value no is not recommended unless you know what you're doing.

Security headers

STREAM support ❌

Various security headers are available and most of them can be set using BunkerWeb settings. Here is the list of headers, the corresponding setting and default value :

Header Setting Default
Content-Security-Policy CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY object-src 'none'; frame-src 'self'; child-src 'self'; form-action 'self'; frame-ancestors 'self';
Strict-Transport-Security STRICT_TRANSPORT_SECURITY max-age=31536000
Referrer-Policy REFERRER_POLICY strict-origin-when-cross-origin
Permissions-Policy PERMISSIONS_POLICY accelerometer=(), ambient-light-sensor=(), autoplay=(), battery=(), camera=(), cross-origin-isolated=(), display-capture=(), document-domain=(), encrypted-media=(), execution-while-not-rendered=(), execution-while-out-of-viewport=(), fullscreen=(), geolocation=(), gyroscope=(), hid=(), idle-detection=(), magnetometer=(), microphone=(), midi=(), navigation-override=(), payment=(), picture-in-picture=(), publickey-credentials-get=(), screen-wake-lock=(), serial=(), usb=(), web-share=(), xr-spatial-tracking=()
Feature-Policy FEATURE_POLICY accelerometer 'none'; ambient-light-sensor 'none'; autoplay 'none'; battery 'none'; camera 'none'; display-capture 'none'; document-domain 'none'; encrypted-media 'none'; execution-while-not-rendered 'none'; execution-while-out-of-viewport 'none'; fullscreen 'none'; 'none'; geolocation 'none'; gyroscope 'none'; layout-animation 'none'; legacy-image-formats 'none'; magnetometer 'none'; microphone 'none'; midi 'none'; navigation-override 'none'; payment 'none'; picture-in-picture 'none'; publickey-credentials-get 'none'; speaker-selection 'none'; sync-xhr 'none'; unoptimized-images 'none'; unsized-media 'none'; usb 'none'; screen-wake-lock 'none'; web-share 'none'; xr-spatial-tracking 'none';
X-Content-Type-Options X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS nosniff
X-XSS-Protection X_XSS_PROTECTION 1; mode=block


STREAM support ❌

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing lets you manage how your service can be contacted from different origins. Please note that you will have to allow the OPTIONS HTTP method using the ALLOWED_METHODS if you want to enable it (more info here). Here is the list of settings related to CORS :

Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_CORS no multisite no Use CORS
CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN * multisite no Allowed origins to make CORS requests : PCRE regex or *.
CORS_EXPOSE_HEADERS Content-Length,Content-Range multisite no Value of the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.
CORS_MAX_AGE 86400 multisite no Value of the Access-Control-Max-Age header.
CORS_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS no multisite no Send the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
CORS_ALLOW_METHODS GET, POST, OPTIONS multisite no Value of the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.
CORS_ALLOW_HEADERS DNT,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Range multisite no Value of the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.
CORS_DENY_REQUEST yes multisite no Deny request and don't send it to backend if Origin is not allowed.

Here is some examples of possible values for CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN setting :

  • * will allow all origin
  • ^https://www\.example\.com$ will allow
  • ^https://.+\$ will allow any origins when domain ends with
  • ^https://(www\.example1\.com|www\.example2\.com)$ will allow both and
  • ^https?://www\.example\.com$ will allow both and


Besides the HTTPS / SSL/TLS configuration, the following settings related to HTTPS / SSL/TLS can be set :

Setting Default Description
REDIRECT_HTTP_TO_HTTPS no When set to yes, will redirect every HTTP request to HTTPS even if BunkerWeb is not configured with HTTPS.
AUTO_REDIRECT_HTTP_TO_HTTPS yes When set to yes, will redirect every HTTP request to HTTPS only if BunkerWeb is configured with HTTPS.
SSL_PROTOCOLS TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3 List of supported SSL/TLS protocols when SSL is enabled.
HTTP2 yes When set to yes, will enable HTTP2 protocol support when using HTTPS.
HTTP3 no When set to yes, will enable HTTP3 protocol support when using HTTPS.
HTTP3_ALT_SVC_PORT 443 HTTP3 alternate service port. This value will be used as part of the Alt-Svc header.
LISTEN_HTTP yes When set to no, BunkerWeb will not listen for HTTP requests. Useful if you want HTTPS only for example.

About HTTP3

HTTP/3 is the next version of the HTTP protocol. It is based on Google's QUIC protocol which is a transport layer protocol that provides security and reliability features. HTTP/3 is designed to improve the performance of websites and web applications.

Remember that NGINX's support for HTTP/3 is still experimental and may not be suitable for all use cases.

Let's Encrypt

STREAM support βœ…

BunkerWeb comes with automatic Let's Encrypt certificate generation and renewal. This is the easiest way of getting HTTPS / SSL/TLS working out of the box for public-facing web applications. Please note that you will need to set up proper DNS A record(s) for each of your domains pointing to your public IP(s) where BunkerWeb is accessible.

Here is the list of related settings :

Setting Default Description
AUTO_LETS_ENCRYPT no When set to yes, HTTPS / SSL/TLS will be enabled with automatic certificate generation and renewal from Let's Encrypt.
EMAIL_LETS_ENCRYPT contact@{FIRST_SERVER} Email to use when generating certificates. Let's Encrypt will send notifications to that email like certificate expiration.
USE_LETS_ENCRYPT_STAGING no When set to yes, the staging server of Let's Encrypt will be used instead of the production one. Useful when doing tests to avoid being "blocked" due to limits.

Full Let's Encrypt automation is fully working with stream mode as long as you open the 80/tcp port from the outside. Please note that you will need to use the LISTEN_STREAM_PORT_SSL setting in order to choose your listening SSL/TLS port.

Let's Encrypt DNS crow pro icon (PRO)

STREAM support βœ…

The Let's Encrypt DNS plugin facilitates the automatic creation, renewal, and configuration of Let's Encrypt certificates using DNS challenges.

This plugin offers seamless integration with various DNS providers for streamlined certificate management.

List of features

  • Automatic creation and renewal of Let's Encrypt certificates
  • Integration with DNS providers for DNS challenges
  • Generate wildcard certificates
  • Configuration options for customization and flexibility

Settings of the Let's Encrypt DNS plugin

Setting Default Context Multiple Description
AUTO_LETS_ENCRYPT_DNS no multisite no Set to yes to enable automatic certificate creation and renewal using DNS challenges.
LETS_ENCRYPT_DNS_EMAIL multisite no Email address for Let's Encrypt notifications.
USE_LETS_ENCRYPT_DNS_STAGING no multisite no Set to yes to use Let's Encrypt staging server.
LETS_ENCRYPT_DNS_PROVIDER multisite no DNS provider for Let's Encrypt DNS challenges.
USE_LETS_ENCRYPT_DNS_WILDCARD yes multisite no Set to yes to automatically generate wildcard domains in certificates.
LETS_ENCRYPT_DNS_PROPAGATION default multisite no Time in seconds to wait for DNS propagation.
LETS_ENCRYPT_DNS_CREDENTIAL_ITEM multisite yes Credential item for Let's Encrypt DNS provider that contains required credentials.
LETS_ENCRYPT_DNS_CLEAR_OLD_CERTS no global no Clear old certificates when renewing.

Information and behavior

  • The LETS_ENCRYPT_DNS_CREDENTIAL_ITEM setting is a multiple setting and can be used to set multiple items for the DNS provider. The items will be saved as a cache file and Certbot will read the credentials from it.

  • If no LETS_ENCRYPT_DNS_PROPAGATION setting is set, the provider's default propagation time will be used.

Available DNS Providers

Provider Description Mandatory Settings Link(s)
cloudflare Cloudflare DNS provider dns_cloudflare_api_token Documentation
digitalocean DigitalOcean DNS provider dns_digitalocean_token Documentation
google Google Cloud DNS provider project_id, private_key_id, private_key, client_email, client_email, client_x509_cert_url Documentation
linode Linode DNS provider dns_linode_key Documentation
ovh OVH DNS provider dns_ovh_application_key, dns_ovh_application_secret, dns_ovh_consumer_key Documentation
rfc2136 RFC 2136 DNS provider dns_rfc2136_server, dns_rfc2136_name, dns_rfc2136_secret Documentation
route53 Amazon Route 53 DNS provider aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key Documentation
scaleway Scaleway DNS provider dns_scaleway_application_token Documentation

Custom certificate

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If you want to use your own certificates, here is the list of related settings :

Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_CUSTOM_SSL no multisite no Use custom HTTPS / SSL/TLS certificate.
CUSTOM_SSL_CERT multisite no Full path of the certificate or bundle file (must be readable by the scheduler).
CUSTOM_SSL_KEY multisite no Full path of the key file (must be readable by the scheduler).

When USE_CUSTOM_SSL is set to yes, BunkerWeb will check every day if the custom certificate specified in CUSTOM_SSL_CERT is modified and will reload NGINX if that's the case.

When using stream mode, you will need to use the LISTEN_STREAM_PORT_SSL setting in order to choose your listening SSL/TLS port.


STREAM support βœ…

If you want to quickly test HTTPS / SSL/TLS for staging/dev environment you can configure BunkerWeb to generate self-signed certificates, here is the list of related settings :

Setting Default Description
GENERATE_SELF_SIGNED_SSL no When set to yes, HTTPS / SSL/TLS will be enabled with automatic self-signed certificate generation and renewal from Let's Encrypt.
SELF_SIGNED_SSL_EXPIRY 365 Number of days for the certificate expiration (-days value used with openssl).
SELF_SIGNED_SSL_SUBJ / Certificate subject to use (-subj value used with openssl).

When using stream mode, you will need to use the LISTEN_STREAM_PORT_SSL setting in order to choose your listening SSL/TLS port.


STREAM support ❌

ModSecurity is integrated and enabled by default alongside the OWASP Core Rule Set within BunkerWeb. Here is the list of related settings :

Setting Default Description
USE_MODSECURITY yes When set to yes, ModSecurity will be enabled.
USE_MODSECURITY_CRS yes When set to yes and USE_MODSECURITY is also set to yes, the OWASP Core Rule Set will be loaded.
MODSECURITY_CRS_VERSION 3 Version of the OWASP Core Rule Set to use with ModSecurity (3, 4 or nightly).

ModSecurity and the OWASP Core Rule Set

We strongly recommend keeping both ModSecurity and the OWASP Core Rule Set enabled. The only downsides are the false positives that may occur. But they can be fixed with some efforts and the CRS team maintains a list of exclusions for common applications (e.g., WordPress, Nextcloud, Drupal, Cpanel, ...).

You can choose between the following versions of the OWASP Core Rule Set :

  • 3 : The version v3.3.6 of the OWASP Core Rule Set (default)
  • 4 : The version v4.6.0 of the OWASP Core Rule Set
  • nightly : The latest nightly build of the OWASP Core Rule Set which is updated every day

OWASP Core Rule Set's nightly build

The nightly build of the OWASP Core Rule Set is updated every day and contains the latest rules. It is recommended to use it in a staging environment before using it in production.

Custom configurations

Tuning ModSecurity and the CRS can be done using custom configurations :

  • modsec-crs : before the OWASP Core Rule Set is loaded
  • modsec : after the OWASP Core Rule Set is loaded (also used if CRS is not loaded)

For example, you can add a custom configuration with type modsec-crs to add CRS exclusions :

SecAction \

You can also add a custom configuration with type modsec to update loaded CRS rules :

SecRule REQUEST_FILENAME "/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php" "id:1,ctl:ruleRemoveByTag=attack-xss,ctl:ruleRemoveByTag=attack-rce"
SecRule REQUEST_FILENAME "/wp-admin/options.php" "id:2,ctl:ruleRemoveByTag=attack-xss"
SecRule REQUEST_FILENAME "^/wp-json/yoast" "id:3,ctl:ruleRemoveById=930120"

Bad behavior

STREAM support βœ…

When attackers search for and/or exploit vulnerabilities they might generate some "suspicious" HTTP status codes that a "regular" user won’t generate within a period of time. If we detect that kind of behavior we can ban the offending IP address and force the attacker to come up with a new one.

That kind of security measure is implemented and enabled by default in BunkerWeb and is called "Bad behavior". Here is the list of the related settings :

Setting Default Description
USE_BAD_BEHAVIOR yes When set to yes, the Bad behavior feature will be enabled.
BAD_BEHAVIOR_STATUS_CODES 400 401 403 404 405 429 444 List of HTTP status codes considered as "suspicious".
BAD_BEHAVIOR_BAN_TIME 86400 The duration time (in seconds) of a ban when a client reached the threshold.
BAD_BEHAVIOR_THRESHOLD 10 Maximum number of "suspicious" HTTP status codes within the time period.
BAD_BEHAVIOR_COUNT_TIME 60 Period of time during which we count "suspicious" HTTP status codes.

In other words, with the default values, if a client generates more than 10 status codes from the list 400 401 403 404 405 429 444 within 60 seconds their IP address will be banned for 86400 seconds.

When using stream mode, only the 444 status code will count as "bad".


STREAM support ❌

Attackers will certainly use automated tools to exploit/find some vulnerabilities in your web applications. One countermeasure is to challenge the users to detect if they look like a bot. If the challenge is solved, we consider the client as "legitimate" and they can access the web application.

That kind of security is implemented but not enabled by default in BunkerWeb and is called "Antibot". Here is the list of supported challenges :

  • Cookie : send a cookie to the client, we expect to get the cookie back on other requests
  • Javascript : force a client to solve a computation challenge using Javascript
  • Captcha : force the client to solve a classical captcha (no external dependencies)
  • hCaptcha : force the client to solve a captcha from hCaptcha
  • reCAPTCHA : force the client to get a minimum score with Google reCAPTCHA
  • Turnstile : enforce rate limiting and access control for APIs and web applications using various mechanisms with Coudflare Turnstile

Here is the list of related settings :

Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_ANTIBOT no multisite no Activate antibot feature.
ANTIBOT_URI /challenge multisite no Unused URI that clients will be redirected to to solve the challenge.
ANTIBOT_RECAPTCHA_SCORE 0.7 multisite no Minimum score required for reCAPTCHA challenge (Only compatible with reCAPTCHA v3).
ANTIBOT_RECAPTCHA_SITEKEY multisite no Sitekey for reCAPTCHA challenge.
ANTIBOT_RECAPTCHA_SECRET multisite no Secret for reCAPTCHA challenge.
ANTIBOT_HCAPTCHA_SITEKEY multisite no Sitekey for hCaptcha challenge.
ANTIBOT_HCAPTCHA_SECRET multisite no Secret for hCaptcha challenge.
ANTIBOT_TURNSTILE_SITEKEY multisite no Sitekey for Turnstile challenge.
ANTIBOT_TURNSTILE_SECRET multisite no Secret for Turnstile challenge.
ANTIBOT_TIME_RESOLVE 60 multisite no Maximum time (in seconds) clients have to resolve the challenge. Once this time has passed, a new challenge will be generated.
ANTIBOT_TIME_VALID 86400 multisite no Maximum validity time of solved challenges. Once this time has passed, clients will need to resolve a new one.

Please note that antibot feature is using a cookie to maintain a session with clients. If you are using BunkerWeb in a clustered environment, you will need to set the SESSIONS_SECRET and SESSIONS_NAME settings to another value than the default one (which is random). You will find more info about sessions here.

Blacklisting, whitelisting and greylisting

The blacklisting security feature is very easy to understand : if a specific criteria is met, the client will be banned. As for the whitelisting, it's the exact opposite : if a specific criteria is met, the client will be allowed and no additional security check will be done. Whereas for the greylisting : if a specific criteria is met, the client will be allowed but additional security checks will be done.

You can configure blacklisting, whitelisting and greylisting at the same time. If that's the case, note that whitelisting is executed before blacklisting and greylisting : even if a criteria is true for all of them, the client will be whitelisted.


STREAM support ⚠

You can use the following settings to set up blacklisting :

Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_BLACKLIST yes multisite no Activate blacklist feature.
BLACKLIST_IP multisite no List of IP/network, separated with spaces, to block.
BLACKLIST_RDNS_GLOBAL yes multisite no Only perform RDNS blacklist checks on global IP addresses.
BLACKLIST_RDNS multisite no List of reverse DNS suffixes, separated with spaces, to block.
BLACKLIST_ASN multisite no List of ASN numbers, separated with spaces, to block.
BLACKLIST_ASN_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing ASN to block.
BLACKLIST_USER_AGENT multisite no List of User-Agent (PCRE regex), separated with spaces, to block.
BLACKLIST_URI multisite no List of URI (PCRE regex), separated with spaces, to block.
BLACKLIST_IP_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing bad IP/network to block. Also supports file:// URLs and and auth basic using http://user:pass@url scheme.
BLACKLIST_RDNS_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing reverse DNS suffixes to block. Also supports file:// URLs and and auth basic using http://user:pass@url scheme.
BLACKLIST_ASN_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing ASN to block. Also supports file:// URLs and and auth basic using http://user:pass@url scheme.
BLACKLIST_USER_AGENT_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing bad User-Agent to block. Also supports file:// URLs and and auth basic using http://user:pass@url scheme.
BLACKLIST_URI_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing bad URI to block. Also supports file:// URLs and and auth basic using http://user:pass@url scheme.
BLACKLIST_IGNORE_IP_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing IP/network to ignore in the blacklist. Also supports file:// URLs and and auth basic using http://user:pass@url scheme.
BLACKLIST_IGNORE_RDNS_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing reverse DNS suffixes to ignore in the blacklist. Also supports file:// URLs and and auth basic using http://user:pass@url scheme.
BLACKLIST_IGNORE_ASN_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing ASN to ignore in the blacklist. Also supports file:// URLs and and auth basic using http://user:pass@url scheme.
BLACKLIST_IGNORE_USER_AGENT_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing User-Agent to ignore in the blacklist. Also supports file:// URLs and and auth basic using http://user:pass@url scheme.
BLACKLIST_IGNORE_URI_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing URI to ignore in the blacklist. Also supports file:// URLs and and auth basic using http://user:pass@url scheme.

When using stream mode, only IP, RDNS and ASN checks will be done.


STREAM support ⚠

You can use the following settings to set up greylisting :

Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_GREYLIST no multisite no Activate greylist feature.
GREYLIST_IP multisite no List of IP/network, separated with spaces, to put into the greylist.
GREYLIST_RDNS_GLOBAL yes multisite no Only perform RDNS greylist checks on global IP addresses.
GREYLIST_RDNS multisite no List of reverse DNS suffixes, separated with spaces, to put into the greylist.
GREYLIST_ASN multisite no List of ASN numbers, separated with spaces, to put into the greylist.
GREYLIST_USER_AGENT multisite no List of User-Agent (PCRE regex), separated with spaces, to put into the greylist.
GREYLIST_URI multisite no List of URI (PCRE regex), separated with spaces, to put into the greylist.
GREYLIST_IP_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing good IP/network to put into the greylist. Also supports file:// URLs and and auth basic using http://user:pass@url scheme.
GREYLIST_RDNS_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing reverse DNS suffixes to put into the greylist. Also supports file:// URLs and and auth basic using http://user:pass@url scheme.
GREYLIST_ASN_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing ASN to put into the greylist. Also supports file:// URLs and and auth basic using http://user:pass@url scheme.
GREYLIST_USER_AGENT_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing good User-Agent to put into the greylist. Also supports file:// URLs and and auth basic using http://user:pass@url scheme.
GREYLIST_URI_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing bad URI to put into the greylist. Also supports file:// URLs and and auth basic using http://user:pass@url scheme.

When using stream mode, only IP, RDNS and ASN checks will be done.


STREAM support ⚠

You can use the following settings to set up whitelisting :

Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_WHITELIST yes multisite no Activate whitelist feature.
WHITELIST_IP multisite no List of IP/network, separated with spaces, to put into the whitelist.
WHITELIST_RDNS_GLOBAL yes multisite no Only perform RDNS whitelist checks on global IP addresses.
WHITELIST_RDNS multisite no List of reverse DNS suffixes, separated with spaces, to whitelist.
WHITELIST_ASN 32934 multisite no List of ASN numbers, separated with spaces, to whitelist.
WHITELIST_USER_AGENT multisite no List of User-Agent (PCRE regex), separated with spaces, to whitelist.
WHITELIST_URI multisite no List of URI (PCRE regex), separated with spaces, to whitelist.
WHITELIST_IP_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing good IP/network to whitelist. Also supports file:// URLs and and auth basic using http://user:pass@url scheme.
WHITELIST_RDNS_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing reverse DNS suffixes to whitelist. Also supports file:// URLs and and auth basic using http://user:pass@url scheme.
WHITELIST_ASN_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing ASN to whitelist. Also supports file:// URLs and and auth basic using http://user:pass@url scheme.
WHITELIST_USER_AGENT_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing good User-Agent to whitelist. Also supports file:// URLs and and auth basic using http://user:pass@url scheme.
WHITELIST_URI_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing bad URI to whitelist. Also supports file:// URLs and and auth basic using http://user:pass@url scheme.

When using stream mode, only IP, RDNS and ASN checks will be done.

Reverse scan

STREAM support βœ…

Reverse scan is a feature designed to detect open ports by establishing TCP connections with clients' IP addresses. Consider adding this feature if you want to detect possible open proxies or connections from servers.

We provide a list of suspicious ports by default but it can be modified to fit your needs. Be mindful, adding too many ports to the list can significantly slow down clients' connections due to the network checks. If a listed port is open, the client's access will be denied.

Please be aware, this feature is new and further improvements will be added soon.

Here is the list of settings related to reverse scan :

Setting Default Description
USE_REVERSE_SCAN no When set to yes, will enable ReverseScan.
REVERSE_SCAN_PORTS 22 80 443 3128 8000 8080 List of suspicious ports to scan.
REVERSE_SCAN_TIMEOUT 500 Specify the maximum timeout (in ms) when scanning a port.


STREAM support βœ…

BunkerNet is a crowdsourced database of malicious requests shared between all BunkerWeb instances over the world.

If you enable BunkerNet, malicious requests will be sent to a remote server and will be analyzed by our systems. By doing so, we can extract malicious data from everyone's reports and give back the results to each BunkerWeb instances participating into BunkerNet.

Besides the enhanced security, enabling BunkerNet will let you benefit from extra features such as the integration with CrowdSec Console.

The setting used to enable or disable BunkerNet is USE_BUNKERNET (default : yes).

CrowdSec Console integration

If you don't already know about it, CrowdSec is an open-source cybersecurity solution leveraging crowdsourced intelligence to mitigate cyber threats. Think of it like Waze but applied to cybersecurity : when a specific server is attacked, other systems around the globe will be informed and protected from the same attackers. You will find more information on their website here.

Thanks to a partnership with CrowdSec, you can enroll your BunkerWeb instances to your CrowdSec Console. In other words, the attacks blocked by BunkerWeb will be visible the same way it does for attacks blocked by CrowdSec Security Engines.

Please note that CrowdSec doesn't need to be installed at all (even if we recommend you to try it with the CrowdSec plugin for BunkerWeb to enhance the security of your web services) and you can still enroll your Security Engines into the same Console account.

Step #1 : create your CrowdSec Console account

Go to the CrowdSec Console and register your account if you don't already have one. Once it's done, write down your enroll key by going to "Security Engines", then "Engines" and click on "Add Security Engine" :


Get your Crowdsec Console enroll key

Step #2 : get your BunkerNet ID

Activating the BunkerNet feature (which is the case by default) is mandatory if you want to enroll your BunkerWeb instance(s) into your CrowdSec console. You can do it by setting USE_BUNKERNET to yes.

Get your BunkerNet ID on Docker :

docker exec my-bw-scheduler cat /var/cache/bunkerweb/bunkernet/

Get your BunkerNet ID on Linux :

cat /var/cache/bunkerweb/bunkernet/

Step #3 : enroll your instance using the Panel

Once you have noted your BunkerNet ID and CrowdSec Console enroll key, you can order the free product "BunkerNet / CrowdSec" on the Panel. Please note that you will need to create an account if you don't already have one.

You can now select the "BunkerNet / CrowdSec" service and fill out the form by pasting your BunkerNet ID and CrowdSec Console enroll key :


Enroll your BunkerWeb instance into the CrowdSec Console

Step #4 : accept new security engine on the Console

Last but not least, you need to go back to your CrowdSec Console and accept the new Security Engine :


Accept enroll into the CrowdSec Console

Congratulations, your BunkerWeb instance is now enrolled into your CrowdSec Console !

Pro tip : when viewing your alerts, click on "columns" and tick the "context" checkbox to get access to BunkerWeb specific data.


BunkerWeb data shown in the context column


STREAM support βœ…

DNSBL or "DNS BlackList" is an external list of malicious IPs that you query using the DNS protocol. Automatic querying of that kind of blacklist is supported by BunkerWeb. If a remote DNSBL server of your choice says that the IP address of the client is in the blacklist, it will be banned.

Here is the list of settings related to DNSBL :

Setting Default Description
USE_DNSBL yes When set to yes, will enable DNSBL checking.
DNSBL_LIST List of DNSBL servers to ask.


BunkerWeb supports applying a limit policy to :

  • Number of connections per IP
  • Number of requests per IP and URL within a time period

Please note that it should not be considered as an effective solution against DoS or DDoS but rather as an anti-bruteforce measure or rate limit policy for API.

In both cases (connections or requests) if the limit is reached, the client will receive the HTTP status "429 - Too Many Requests".


STREAM support βœ…

The following settings are related to the Limiting connections feature :

Setting Default Description
USE_LIMIT_CONN yes When set to yes, will limit the maximum number of concurrent connections for a given IP.
LIMIT_CONN_MAX_HTTP1 10 Maximum number of concurrent connections when using HTTP1 protocol.
LIMIT_CONN_MAX_HTTP2 100 Maximum number of concurrent streams when using HTTP2 protocol.
LIMIT_CONN_MAX_STREAM 10 Maximum number of connections per IP when using stream.


STREAM support ❌

The following settings are related to the Limiting requests feature :

Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_LIMIT_REQ yes multisite no Activate limit requests feature.
LIMIT_REQ_URL / multisite yes URL (PCRE regex) where the limit request will be applied or special value / for all requests.
LIMIT_REQ_RATE 2r/s multisite yes Rate to apply to the URL (s for second, m for minute, h for hour and d for day).

Please note that you can add different rates for different URLs by adding a number as a suffix to the settings for example : LIMIT_REQ_URL_1=^/url1$, LIMIT_REQ_RATE_1=5r/d, LIMIT_REQ_URL_2=^/url2/subdir/.*$, LIMIT_REQ_RATE_2=1r/m, ...

Another important thing to note is that LIMIT_REQ_URL values are PCRE regex.


STREAM support βœ…

The country security feature allows you to apply policy based on the country of the IP address of clients :

  • Deny any access if the country is in a blacklist
  • Only allow access if the country is in a whitelist (other security checks will still be executed)

Here is the list of related settings :

Setting Default Context Multiple Description
BLACKLIST_COUNTRY multisite no Deny access if the country of the client is in the list (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format separated with spaces).
WHITELIST_COUNTRY multisite no Deny access if the country of the client is not in the list (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format separated with spaces).

Using both country blacklist and whitelist at the same time makes no sense. If you do, please note that only the whitelist will be executed.


Auth basic

STREAM support ❌

You can quickly protect sensitive resources like the admin area for example, by requiring HTTP basic authentication. Here is the list of related settings :

Setting Default Description
USE_AUTH_BASIC no When set to yes HTTP auth basic will be enabled.
AUTH_BASIC_LOCATION sitewide Location (URL) of the sensitive resource. Use special value sitewide to enable everywhere.
AUTH_BASIC_USER changeme The username required.
AUTH_BASIC_PASSWORD changeme The password required.
AUTH_BASIC_TEXT Restricted area Text to display in the auth prompt.

Auth request

You can deploy complex authentication (e.g. SSO), by using the auth request settings (see here for more information on the feature). Please note that you will find Authelia and Authentik examples in the repository.

Auth request settings are related to reverse proxy rules.

Setting Default Context Multiple Description
REVERSE_PROXY_AUTH_REQUEST multisite yes Enable authentication using an external provider (value of auth_request directive).
REVERSE_PROXY_AUTH_REQUEST_SIGNIN_URL multisite yes Redirect clients to sign-in URL when using REVERSE_PROXY_AUTH_REQUEST (used when auth_request call returned 401).
REVERSE_PROXY_AUTH_REQUEST_SET multisite yes List of variables to set from the authentication provider, separated with ; (values of auth_request_set directives).

Monitoring and reporting

Monitoring crow pro icon (PRO)

STREAM support ❌

The monitoring plugin lets you collect and retrieve metrics about BunkerWeb. By enabling it, your instance(s) will start collecting various data related to attacks, requests and performance. You can then retrieve them by calling the /monitoring API endpoint on regular basis or by using other plugins like the Prometheus exporter one.

List of features

  • Enable collection of various BunkerWeb metrics
  • Retrieve metrics from the API
  • Use in combination with other plugins (e.g. Prometheus exporter)
  • Dedicate UI page to monitor your instance(s)

List of settings

Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_MONITORING yes global no Enable monitoring of BunkerWeb.
MONITORING_METRICS_DICT_SIZE 10M global no Size of the dict to store monitoring metrics.

Prometheus exporter crow pro icon (PRO)

STREAM support ❌

The Prometheus exporter plugin adds a Prometheus exporter on your BunkerWeb instance(s). When enabled, you can configure your Prometheus instance(s) to scrape a specific endpoint on Bunkerweb and gather internal metrics.

We also provide a Grafana dashboard that you can import into your own instance and connect to your own Prometheus datasource.

Please note that the use of Prometheus exporter plugin requires to enable the Monitoring plugin (USE_MONITORING=yes)

List of features

  • Prometheus exporter providing internal BunkerWeb metrics
  • Dedicated and configurable port, listen IP and URL
  • Whitelist IP/network for maximum security

List of settings

Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER no global no Enable the Prometheus export.
PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_IP global no Listening IP of the Prometheus exporter.
PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_PORT 9113 global no Listening port of the Prometheus exporter.
PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_URL /metrics global no HTTP URL of the Prometheus exporter.
PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_ALLOW_IP global no List of IP/networks allowed to contact the Prometheus exporter endpoint.

Reporting crow pro icon (PRO)

STREAM support ❌

Monitoring plugin needed

This plugins requires the Monitoring Pro plugin to be installed and enabled with the USE_MONITORING setting set to yes.

The Reporting plugin provides a comprehensive solution for regular reporting of important data from BunkerWeb, including global statistics, attacks, bans, requests, reasons, and AS information. It offers a wide range of features, including automatic report creation, customization options, and seamless integration with monitoring pro plugin. With the Reporting plugin, you can easily generate and manage reports to monitor the performance and security of your application.

List of features

  • Regular reporting of important data from BunkerWeb, including global statistics, attacks, bans, requests, reasons, and AS information.
  • Integration with Monitoring Pro plugin for seamless integration and enhanced reporting capabilities.
  • Support for webhooks (classic, Discord, and Slack) for real-time notifications.
  • Support for SMTP for email notifications.
  • Configuration options for customization and flexibility.

List of settings

Setting Default Context Description
USE_REPORTING_SMTP no global Enable sending the report via email.
USE_REPORTING_WEBHOOK no global Enable sending the report via webhook.
REPORTING_SCHEDULE weekly global The frequency at which reports are sent.
REPORTING_WEBHOOK_URLS global List of webhook URLs to receive the report in Markdown (separated by spaces).
REPORTING_SMTP_EMAILS global List of email addresses to receive the report in HTML format (separated by spaces).
REPORTING_SMTP_HOST global The host server used for SMTP sending.
REPORTING_SMTP_PORT 465 global The port used for SMTP. Please note that there are different standards depending on the type of connection (SSL = 465, TLS = 587).
REPORTING_SMTP_FROM_EMAIL global The email address used as the sender. Note that 2FA must be disabled for this email address.
REPORTING_SMTP_FROM_USER global The user authentication value for sending via the from email address.
REPORTING_SMTP_FROM_PASSWORD global The password authentication value for sending via the from email address.
REPORTING_SMTP_SSL SSL global Determine whether or not to use a secure connection for SMTP.
REPORTING_SMTP_SUBJECT BunkerWeb Report global The subject line of the email.

Information and behavior

  • case USE_REPORTING_SMTP is set to yes, the setting REPORTING_SMTP_EMAILS must be set.
  • case USE_REPORTING_WEBHOOK is set to yes, the setting REPORTING_WEBHOOK_URLS must be set.
  • Accepted values for REPORTING_SCHEDULE are daily, weeklyand monthly.
  • case no REPORTING_SMTP_FROM_USER and REPORTING_SMTP_FROM_PASSWORD are set, the plugin will try to send the email without authentication.
  • case REPORTING_SMTP_FROM_USER isn't set but REPORTING_SMTP_FROM_PASSWORD is set, the plugin will use the REPORTING_SMTP_FROM_EMAIL as the username.
  • case the job fails, the plugin will retry sending the report in the next execution.

Backup and restore


STREAM support βœ…

Automated backup

Information for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.9 users

If you are using RHEL 8.9 and plan on using an external database, you will need to install the mysql-community-client package to ensure the mysqldump command is available. You can install the package by executing the following commands:

  1. Install the MySQL repository configuration package

    sudo dnf install
  2. Enable the MySQL repository

    sudo dnf config-manager --enable mysql80-community
  3. Install the MySQL client

    sudo dnf install mysql-community-client
  1. Install the PostgreSQL repository configuration package

    dnf install "$(uname -m)/pgdg-redhat-repo-latest.noarch.rpm"
  2. Install the PostgreSQL client

    dnf install postgresql<version>

Data is invaluable, especially in digital environments where it's susceptible to loss due to various factors such as hardware failures, software errors, or human mistakes. To mitigate such risks and ensure the safety and availability of your important files, it's crucial to establish a robust backup system. This section outlines the backup functionality provided by BunkerWeb, allowing you to securely store your data in a custom location through regular backups.

Information and behavior

The importance of backups cannot be overstated. They serve as a safety net against data loss scenarios, providing a means to restore your system to a previous state in case of unexpected events. Regular backups not only safeguard your data but also offer peace of mind, knowing that you have a reliable mechanism in place to recover from any mishaps.

Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_BACKUP yes global no Enable or disable the backup feature
BACKUP_DIRECTORY /var/lib/bunkerweb/backups global no The directory where the backup will be stored
BACKUP_SCHEDULE daily global no The frequency of the backup
BACKUP_ROTATION 7 global no The number of backups to keep

Manual backup

To manually initiate a backup, execute the following command:

bwcli plugin backup save
docker exec -it <scheduler_container> bwcli plugin backup save

This command will create a backup of your database and store it in the backup directory specified in the BACKUP_DIRECTORY setting.

You can also specify a custom directory for the backup by providing the BACKUP_DIRECTORY environment variable when executing the command:

BACKUP_DIRECTORY=/path/to/backup/directory bwcli plugin backup save
docker exec -it -e BACKUP_DIRECTORY=/path/to/backup/directory <scheduler_container> bwcli plugin backup save
docker cp <scheduler_container>:/path/to/backup/directory /path/to/backup/directory

Specifications for MariaDB/MySQL

In case you are using MariaDB/MySQL, you may encounter the following error when trying to backup your database:

caching_sha2_password could not be loaded: Error loading shared library /usr/lib/mariadb/plugin/

To resolve this issue, you can execute the following command to change the authentication plugin to mysql_native_password:

ALTER USER 'yourusername'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'youpassword';

If you're using the Docker integration, you can add the following command to the docker-compose.yml file to automatically change the authentication plugin:

    image: mariadb:<version>
    command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password
    image: mysql:<version>
    command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password

Manual restore

To manually initiate a restore, execute the following command:

bwcli plugin backup restore
docker exec -it <scheduler_container> bwcli plugin backup restore

This command will create a temporary backup of your database in /var/tmp/bunkerweb/backups and restore your database to the latest backup available in the backup directory specified in the BACKUP_DIRECTORY setting.

You can also specify a custom backup file for the restore by providing the path to it as an argument when executing the command:

bwcli plugin backup restore /path/to/backup/file
docker cp /path/to/backup/file <scheduler_container>:/path/to/backup/file
docker exec -it <scheduler_container> bwcli plugin backup restore /path/to/backup/file

In case of failure

Don't worry if the restore fails, you can always restore your database to the previous state by executing the command again but with the BACKUP_DIRECTORY setting set to /var/tmp/bunkerweb/backups:

BACKUP_DIRECTORY=/var/tmp/bunkerweb/backups bwcli plugin backup restore
docker cp <scheduler_container>:/var/tmp/bunkerweb/backups /var/tmp/bunkerweb/backups
docker exec -it -e BACKUP_DIRECTORY=/var/tmp/bunkerweb/backups <scheduler_container> bwcli plugin backup restore

Backup S3 crow pro icon (PRO)

STREAM support βœ…

The Backup S3 tool seamlessly automates data protection, similar to the community backup plugin. However, it stands out by securely storing backups directly in an S3 bucket.

By activating this feature, you're proactively safeguarding your data's integrity. Storing backups remotely shields crucial information from threats like hardware failures, cyberattacks, or natural disasters. This ensures both security and availability, enabling swift recovery during unexpected events, preserving operational continuity, and ensuring peace of mind.

Information for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.9 users

If you are using RHEL 8.9 and plan on using an external database, you will need to install the mysql-community-client package to ensure the mysqldump command is available. You can install the package by executing the following commands:

  1. Install the MySQL repository configuration package

    sudo dnf install
  2. Enable the MySQL repository

    sudo dnf config-manager --enable mysql80-community
  3. Install the MySQL client

    sudo dnf install mysql-community-client
  1. Install the PostgreSQL repository configuration package

    dnf install "$(uname -m)/pgdg-redhat-repo-latest.noarch.rpm"
  2. Install the PostgreSQL client

    dnf install postgresql<version>

List of features

  • Automatic data backup to an S3 bucket
  • Flexible scheduling options: daily, weekly, or monthly
  • Rotation management for controlling the number of backups to keep
  • Customizable compression level for backup files

List of settings

Setting Default Context Description
USE_BACKUP_S3 no global Enable or disable the S3 backup feature
BACKUP_S3_SCHEDULE daily global The frequency of the backup
BACKUP_S3_ROTATION 7 global The number of backups to keep
BACKUP_S3_ENDPOINT global The S3 endpoint
BACKUP_S3_BUCKET global The S3 bucket
BACKUP_S3_DIR global The S3 directory
BACKUP_S3_REGION global The S3 region
BACKUP_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID global The S3 access key ID
BACKUP_S3_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET global The S3 access key secret
BACKUP_S3_COMP_LEVEL 6 global The compression level of the backup zip file

Manual backup

To manually initiate a backup, execute the following command:

bwcli plugin backup_s3 save
docker exec -it <scheduler_container> bwcli plugin backup_s3 save

This command will create a backup of your database and store it in the S3 bucket specified in the BACKUP_S3_BUCKET setting.

You can also specify a custom S3 bucket for the backup by providing the BACKUP_S3_BUCKET environment variable when executing the command:

BACKUP_S3_BUCKET=your-bucket-name bwcli plugin backup_s3 save
docker exec -it -e BACKUP_S3_BUCKET=your-bucket-name <scheduler_container> bwcli plugin backup_s3 save

Specifications for MariaDB/MySQL

In case you are using MariaDB/MySQL, you may encounter the following error when trying to backup your database:

caching_sha2_password could not be loaded: Error loading shared library /usr/lib/mariadb/plugin/

To resolve this issue, you can execute the following command to change the authentication plugin to mysql_native_password:

ALTER USER 'yourusername'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'youpassword';

If you're using the Docker integration, you can add the following command to the docker-compose.yml file to automatically change the authentication plugin:

    image: mariadb:<version>
    command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password
    image: mysql:<version>
    command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password

Manual restore

To manually initiate a restore, execute the following command:

bwcli plugin backup_s3 restore
docker exec -it <scheduler_container> bwcli plugin backup_s3 restore

This command will create a temporary backup of your database in the S3 bucket specified in the BACKUP_S3_BUCKET setting and restore your database to the latest backup available in the bucket.

You can also specify a custom backup file for the restore by providing the path to it as an argument when executing the command:

bwcli plugin backup_s3 restore
docker exec -it <scheduler_container> bwcli plugin backup restore

In case of failure

Don't worry if the restore fails, you can always restore your database to the previous state by executing the command again as a backup is created before the restore:

bwcli plugin backup_s3 restore
docker exec -it <scheduler_container> bwcli plugin backup_s3 restore

Migration crow pro icon (PRO)

STREAM support βœ…

The Migration plugin revolutionizes BunkerWeb configuration transfers between instances with its user-friendly web interface, simplifying the entire migration journey. Whether you're upgrading systems, scaling infrastructure, or transitioning environments, this tool empowers you to effortlessly transfer settings, preferences, and data with unmatched ease and confidence. Say goodbye to cumbersome manual processes and hello to a seamless, hassle-free migration experience.

List of features

  • Effortless Migration: Easily transfer BunkerWeb configurations between instances without the complexities of manual procedures.

  • Intuitive Web Interface: Navigate through the migration process effortlessly with a user-friendly web interface designed for intuitive operation.

  • Cross-Database Compatibility: Enjoy seamless migration across various database platforms, including SQLite, MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL, ensuring compatibility with your preferred database environment.

Create a migration file

To manually create a migration file, execute the following command:

bwcli plugin migration create /path/to/migration/file
  1. Create a migration file:

    docker exec -it <scheduler_container> bwcli plugin migration create /path/to/migration/file
  2. Copy the migration file to your local machine:

    docker cp <scheduler_container>:/path/to/migration/file /path/to/migration/file

This command will create a backup of your database and store it in the backup directory specified in the command.

Specifications for MariaDB/MySQL

In case you are using MariaDB/MySQL, you may encounter the following error when trying to backup your database:

caching_sha2_password could not be loaded: Error loading shared library /usr/lib/mariadb/plugin/

To resolve this issue, you can execute the following command to change the authentication plugin to mysql_native_password:

ALTER USER 'yourusername'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'youpassword';

If you're using the Docker integration, you can add the following command to the docker-compose.yml file to automatically change the authentication plugin:

    image: mariadb:<version>
    command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password
    image: mysql:<version>
    command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password

Initialize a migration

To manually initialize a migration, execute the following command:

bwcli plugin migration migrate /path/to/migration/file
  1. Copy the migration file to the container:

    docker cp /path/to/migration/file <scheduler_container>:/path/to/migration/file
  2. Initialize the migration:

    docker exec -it <scheduler_container> bwcli plugin migration migrate /path/to/migration/file

This command seamlessly migrates your BunkerWeb data to precisely match the configuration outlined in the migration file.